Apathia. A real pleague in our contemporary societies. Cause in the end, what’s worst than capitalism itself ? Apathia is not to feel anything anymore. To have become insensitive and to wander following ideas built in the past by others.

You walk along a river, you find yourself smiling, your face gets calmer, the river sound makes you feel tranquil. You forgot this rumor in the background. This constant flow of machines’sounds, this perpetual friction of rubber over concrete roads, motors like if they wear the main specy living over the sealevel, the wind hitting the metal shields.

As soon as you hear it again. As soon it gets back to your consciousness, you feel a tension. This rumor represents this contemporary tension that can be called anxiety. Am I enough ? Yes. Is it the end of times ? Yes. From this point on, hard not to feel the overwhelming and fast ourobouros well on his way with his self-defeating behavior. In my work, as we assume living in the Capitalocene, I’m trying to find ways to underline this condition of existence and the possibilities that could arise from it. I’m interested in the traces of past choices, the ruins of the Progress, but I’m also well aware of the derives of the present. I’m trying to make use of the world, as there’s still in my opinion some pleasure we can experience, specially experimenting from the senses. I really consider my practice’s starting point as being very observant and listening. Because for me, it’s only with being fully ope-nend to a caring way of being and listening that we could conduct a change.

I try in my work to show spaces being inhabited by alter-designs, regular objects are diverted and their function or non-function traces a line for imagining a narrative, that’s open for the spectator to be active in. Sometimes we feel like walking in a scene, a strange decorum.

As soon as we loose earth, we loose everything right ?
Only non-terrian humans still believe nature is a far-away entity, bathing into dualism.
This whole machine got strong by herself. The capitalist machine got her stomach filled more times than her size. She’s everywhere. Including in us. We embody capitalism. But capitalist profites the wound and eats in it.  The Past suffering, the wound ? The unconsciousness we carry could eat us alive.

Ideologies develop as a rigid system of directing thoughts. There’s a solidified quality to it. Which I’m so keen in representing in my work. I usually like to metaphorically and materialy try to represent what can be a very rigid structure filled with illusive motos, blocks. Fantasies sometimes appear exactly where no one looks, just in front of us. They are at the very border of us and what we consider as « in front » of us. That’s where the whole mechanism of projection happends. We are them,they are us so they can make themselves invisible. It's the camouflage technique or «be close to your enemy» technique. There is this alchemical quality to our mind. Mind and matter are maybe actually very intricated in eachother.

In my work, I usually intent to show how the mind creates reality. I love to represent the mind (or systems, structures) by some kind of flat elements or some constructed structures that hold other objects or tie them together.
There’s some interconnection between elements in space but they are interchangeable and have no full identity of their own. They need the group energy.

I see this as a potential for a fiction dealing with different characters that could represent the construction of our indvidual identity over time and multiple layers forming a complexity we are all inhabited with. Each single one of us is a "pièce unique".

Avatars of the digital era wander in Paradise. An avatar is by essence not able to experience by the senses. Are there possibilities of living in a world where senses would be flattened by technologies and where only mirrored and untangible reality would be projected to us like in Plato’s cave, even the reality of who we are as individuals. I refer here to all kinds of AI and technologies of control that we are keen on experiencing more and more alongside us.

Also as I situate my practice wanting to establish spaces where links between diverses forms of beings alive or dead (spirits) and objects are encountering and trying to communicate, I can imagine one of those characters being an avatar. There’s a bit of this video-game feeling into my work as I design an imaginary road for the viewer through a speculative, mostly rhizomatic territory with many points of views. Maybe I presuppose a part of us is already like an avatar. But the masks can fall and will eventually.

Through life we can experience certain forms of dissolution of our selves. It looks like a terrible thing to endure. It’s actually the most liberating gift that you could receive, if we want to re-connect. A human could step into new possibilities for imagning mythologies that could suit an alter-world where ethic is taken into account fiercely. I could imagine that the only way to get to imagine this utopic place is to decentre and disidentify ourselves from our thinking minds. Which are fake personas perpetually projected out there in the world that derives from normative identi-fications that are not real at their core, designed to protect us from feeling the truth of the wound. They are given to us so we can hide and adapt to the global mascarade. In the first place, it's a remedy, but in the end a poison or a prison.

Reflecting with the heart: feeling, can an avatar do it?. To what extent would men go to keep on taking over earth and space in an infernal pursuit of power, lying to themselves by inventing anything that would turn them away from watching the core wound. I wonder.This leads to a whole commonly projected sick illusion, myths creating some ill structures for a whole country or the global earth itself (as an economic system for exemple) or a way to build (architecture and territory amenagment) and inhabit space.